Vision & Values
As a church, we strive to reach people through beauty and generous hospitality, to shape people through worship and spiritual formation, joining with Christ in the redemptive work of making all things new; for the glory of God and the good of the Delaware Valley. We focus on these key values to direct our gospel-centered community to be on mission with Christ.
In our current cultural context, truth and goodness no longer hold the same cultural value as lenses through which we can understand the world. However, we recognize beauty as a third transcendental (or lens) through which we can show the world Christ and his redemptive/re-creative work in and through humanity and creation. We engage the arts, nature, aesthetic — beauty! — from a sacramental worldview through which beauty draws us to our creator.
God’s vision for social justice is rooted in the practice of hospitality, defined in Scripture as showing love to strangers and outsiders. We believe the Church is called to be God’s family in the world, showing joyful, extravagant hospitality to the lonely and marginalized. We recognize that hospitality means giving people what they need, not just physically and relationally, but also spiritually. “True religion is this, to care for orphans and widows in their distress.” (James 1:27)
Worship — declaring the worth of God — is the center of what we do, and who we are. We engage in the historic Christian practice of ordered corporate worship. Word and Sacrament frame out not only Lord’s Day worship, but we strive to make word and sacramental living fundamental, as we continually seek to be conformed to the image of Christ.
The central task of the Church, according to Jesus, is to make disciples, which means bringing people into relationship with God through Jesus, and encouraging their growth and maturity in Him. Therefore, we believe spiritual formation is not about personal perfection, but about union with Christ, which comes through the cultivation of a fully formed Christian character.
We prioritize the spiritual, relational, emotional, and physical needs of those who are not yet members of our community. Through the work of our Art Gallery, community concerts, faith and culture series, and Porch Groups, we seek to invite people to share in common life with our church family, both in our home neighborhoods and in our church neighborhood!