Christians are formed in community.
We work with parents in the following areas as they seek to raise their children to give love and loyalty to King Jesus.
Children’s Church
We strive to be a healthy church, where our children can know and be known by other Christians. We believe that a robust spiritual life is not a product but a process in a lifelong journey. As a church we want to walk alongside each child as they learn to encounter God 's presence and trust him more and more in age appropriate ways.
During our Sunday morning worship service, children ages 4-9 are welcome to attend Children’s Church (located down the hall near the kitchen) where they learn the fundamentals of the Anglican liturgy. They follow an Order for Worship that includes a Call to Worship, Acknowledgment of the Church Calendar, Scripture Reading, Prayer of Confession, the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostle’s Creed. The class also includes a biblical lesson and related activity. Children join their parents in the sanctuary to participate in communion.
We offer a Sunday School class for children on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month, providing a biblical lesson and related activity.
NURSERY (ages 0–3)
The nursery is located across from the Children’s Church classroom. A staff member and volunteers provide care for infants and toddlers, so parents can remain in the worship service. The space is also available to nursing mothers. Infants and toddlers join their parents in the sanctuary to participate in communion.
For parents who prefer to keep their infants or toddlers with them, a Quiet Room is located adjacent to the sanctuary. This room allows parents to see and hear the worship service while tending to their children.
All children ministry programs are staffed by screened and trained volunteers.