Compline inivtes us to take a few moments of repose, reflection, confession, petition, and thanksgiving for God’s grace and manifest blessings of the week.
What is Compline?
Compline, also known as Complin, Night Prayer, or Prayers at the End of the Day, is the very last worship service (or “office”) of the day in the Book of Common Prayer. Coming from the Latin “complitoreum” or “compleo” — meaning “finish” or “complete” — this service (or “office”) signals the end (completion) of the work day and the arrival of evening and rest.
The origins of the Compline service date back to St. Benedict in the sixth century, where he writes about in his famous work, “The Rule of St. Benedict” as one of the markers or rhythms of daily life. The various prayers throughout the day were intended to keep Christians rooted and grounded in Scripture, prayer, and the psalms, centering our hearts and minds on Christ at regular times.
In the Anglican tradition, Compline was often merged with a service called Vespers (Latin for "evening") and became known simply as Evening Prayer (a service or office which remains in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer today). Compline was resurrected and reinstituted in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer in the early 20th century and can be found in numerous forms from 1918–2019 in the various Books of Common Prayer that have been published during that period. Typically, the order of service in Compline includes opening sentences, the confession of sins, the psalms and other Bible lessons, the canticle of Simeon (or other canticle, hymn, or chant), and prayers, including a benediction.
Compline at St. John’s every wednesday on family night!
Every Wednesday, between Labor Day and Memorial Day you can join us for Compline Service. We use the Compline liturgy from the 2019 Book of Common Prayer, and we have plenty of BCPs to share! We will take time to pray for the church, the community, the culture, the country, and the world within the compline service. You do not need to sign up for Compline attendance, but if you intend to come, please feel free to bring a snack or beverage to share during the 6-6:30 fellowship time as a church family. Compline begins after fellowship.