Live Stream Worship

We live-stream our worship services.

The printed worship service will be posted here a day or two prior to the following Sunday. Please click below for a PDF file of Sunday’s worship service.

Live Streaming

The reasons for live-streaming are several-fold.

First, we have learned that there are people who would like to “attend” St. John’s, but cannot for a variety of reasons. Second, it seems increasingly the case that those who wish to visit a church initially prefer to do so virtually.

In order to do “attend”, follow these instructions.

Open your browser (Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc.). You can log onto St. John’s account in two ways:

  1. Click the button below and then click on the “Live Now” video. The Youtube “live” session is about about 20 seconds behind the “real world” session.

  2. Or go to, look up st. john’s anglican church digital media and you’ll find an entry near the top of the list with the Celtic Cross emblem next to it. Click on that entry.

You do not need a username or password. However, if you do have a username and password, you can “Subscribe” to our channel for easy future access.