Serve in a ministry
We operate as a family, stepping in and stepping up to help worship flow smoothly! If you are willing to volunteer for any ministry please reach out to the ministry lead and express your desire to join their volunteer team!!
Altar Guild
MINISTRY LEAD - Deb Freisheim
The altar guild ministry is responsible for setting up and cleaning the sanctuary before and after Sunday worship, as well as other special services during the church year. The primary work is setting the table for the Lord’s Supper and caring for the liturgical linens that are used on the altar, lectern, and pulpit. If you are willing and able to volunteer for the altar guild ministry please contact Deb Freisheim for more information.
If you would like flowers placed in the sanctuary in memory of a loved one, please call the Church Office or email our admin Cindy.
MINISTRY LEAD - Steve Christian
Our greeters/ushers ministry is the front door of Sunday worship, as they await people coming into worship, offering a friendly greeting and bulletin for the worship service. They also collect the offering mid-service and double check the pews after worship for left behind paper and belongings. If you are willing and able to join the greeter/usher ministry please contact Steve Christian for more information.
Hospitality is often the best way to meet and greet newcomers, and for newcomers to meet and greet others in the church. On first Sundays of the month we have a church potluck, and the other Sundays we have coffee and refreshments to provide time and space for conversation and meeting new people and connecting with one another. If you are gifted in hospitality and would be willing to volunteer in our hospitality ministry please email Deb Hedrick for more information.
Acolytes/Chalice Bearers
MINISTRY LEAD - Chris Freisheim
Acolytes and chalice bearers are lay individuals who assist in leading Sunday Worship. Acolytes serve as crucifers, carrying the cross to lead us into worship and leading us out into the world on mission at the end of worship. They also assist in preparing the Lord’s Supper, serving the chalice at the Lord’s Supper, and assisting the clergy in other various ways as needed. If you are interested in being an acolyte please email Chris Freisheim.
Sound Tech
The St. John’s Sound Room provides Audio and Visual assistance for our main worship service and other special functions throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to set up microphones, operate the sound board, record the sermons and broadcast the service live via YouTube. If you are able and willing to volunteer for the tech team please email Tim Edwards.
MINISTRY LEAD - Chris Freisheim
We are always looking to add to our group of loyal and dedicated members who serve as Lay Readers for our Sunday Worship. We take this role very seriously, prayerfully and carefully preparing for the readings each week, with the goal that the message God has for us in each passage can be heard and understood clearly by those who have come to worship. If you are interested in becoming a Lay Reader, please email Chris Freisheim.
MINISTRY LEAD - Andrea Boudra
CHOIR - The choir is made up of volunteers from the church. If you have an interest in volunteering for the choir please contact Andrea Boudra for more information.
CHORAL SCHOLARS - The choral scholars ministry is made up of students studying music ministry at local universities. The vision for this ministry is to enhance the musical offerings at St. John’s while training up and equipping these students for a future in music ministry as they graduate and pursue careers in music and life in their local church.
MINISTRY LEAD - Dacia Palmer
PRE-SERVICE PRAYER - People are encouraged to gather in the chapel at 9:30AM to pray for the church (both our church family and the upcoming service) as well as for those not yet here that the Lord may bring them to us.
MINISTRY LEAD - Lillian Thompson
The caregivers team meets every 1st Thursday @ 9:30am in the church library to pray for those in need, and to prepare and mail notes to those they have prayed for.
Children’s Ministry
Children’s ministry is one of the most important tasks of the church! We pray for our children every week during Sunday Worship with these words:
Almighty God, Heavenly Father, you blessed our congregation with the joy and care of children: Give us courage, patience and wisdom as we bring them up in the faith, that they might never know a day apart from you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Through this conviction to raise our children in Christ, we utilize a robust team of volunteers each week. We are always looking to add volunteer help as:
1) Teachers - Following the lesson plan series, teachers lead the children in the lesson, and introduce and help them complete an appropriate craft/activity. There is room for you artistic freedom and ideas, OR you can follow the script if you prefer!
2) Helpers - Willing to help in the children’s ministry, but aren’t sure you are ready to teach? We have 1-2 helpers for every teacher on Sunday’s to make sure the teacher can focus on the group, while helpers assist with anything that comes up and with leading the crafts/activities.
3) Greeters - Coming to a new church with your children can be a real challenge. We understand this and our children’s greeters are available before Sunday Worship to meet and greet new families, help them sign up for children’s church, and to help orient new families to the layout of the church so everything is as familiar as possible the first time someone visits!
4) Nursery - Nursery volunteers are available for infants and young children.
All of our children’s ministry volunteers are members of St. John’s, and have completed the Ministry Safe background check and training through our diocese. If you are willing and able to volunteer for our children’s ministry please contact Scott Pickering.