Sundays at 8am and 10am
“Worship” means “to declare worth” and is the chief work of God's people. We assemble together on Sunday mornings because we believe God will do what God has promised. What has he promised to do in our worship? He calls us together promising to cleanse us from our sins, speak to us in his Word, hear our prayers and praises, feed us at his Table, and send us out into the world under his blessing. We come together expectantly looking to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to work on us and in us in order that we might work for him.
Children are welcome in our worship services. We provide the following care for children on Sunday mornings at our 10:00 am worship service: Nursery (ages 0–1), Toddler Room (ages 1–3), Children’s Church (ages 3–9). All Children return to parents at the passing of the peace. Children are also welcome to remain in the service with their parents.
Crucified and died on Good Friday, raised on the first Easter, Jesus is the center of our worship. He is our means of peace with the Father. And the Holy Spirit is the means by which our hearts are reborn to know and believe these things. This work of the Godhead means the repair of a broken past, hope for the present, and the promise of eternal life together in the future. In solemn remembrance of Jesus’ death, and in joyful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, we meet each Sunday — resurrection day — to worship him.
Our worship services follow the same basic outline used by Christian churches since the earliest days of the church. However, we fill in the details of the service with the music and language of the present. The Lord Jesus gathers us as his people to speak to us in the reading and preaching of his Word, hear our praises and prayers, and feed us in Holy Communion before sending us out once more to serve him in the world. A printed worship guide allows congregants to follow along easily.
Each week, together with the ministry of the Word (preaching), we celebrate the Lord's Supper. Through the Eucharist "we commune with the Father through the body and blood of the Son in the power of the Spirit; we commune with one another in the breaking of bread and sharing the cup; and finally, we remember the death of Christ for the forgiveness of sins, not only ours but for the whole world." Truly, this is a feast in the presence of the Lord Jesus and a means of grace for his disciples. We invite to the Lord’s Table all persons who have been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and who are endeavoring to follow Him through repentance and faith. If you don’t know where you stand with Jesus, or if you are estranged from him or the church, you are welcome to come forward and receive a blessing, or you may remain seated.