Rev. Mark Rudolph
The Rev. Mark E. Rudolph has been the Rector/Senior Pastor of St. John’s since 2007. Graduating from the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church in 1979, Mark has served churches in Maryland and Pennsylvania. In addition to having been a teacher and a fundraising executive, he also has served as the canon (bishop’s representative) of the Reformed Episcopal Church's church planting and theological education initiative in Germany, while also serving a congregation in Bonn. He also serves as a member of the Council of the Diocese of Christ our Hope, and is the Secretary of the Board of the Christian Legal Clinics of Philadelphia. Married to his much better half, Lynn, they have 5 sons and 13 grandchildren.
Rev. Ken Cook
Ken has been on the staff of the St. John’s congregation since 1988. He is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and Westminster Theological Seminary (Th.M.). Further graduate theological study occurred at St. Luke’s School of Theology, University of the South. Prior to St. John’s, he was the instructor of religious studies and chaplain at Texas Military Institute, San Antonio, and chaplain at the University of the South, Sewanee, TN. Ken and Margie (M.R.E.) met at GCTS. They pattern their life and ministry at St. John’s (pastoring, Bible studies, pro-life activity, prayer ,education) and with the John Jay Institute after the New Testament ministry couple Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18). Ken is particularly interested in Anglican church history and in the theology of Richard Hooker. They have two children and two grandchildren.
Cody Palmer, Rector's Warden
Irene Maguire, People's Warden
Laura Hefty, Secretary
Paul DeVito
Orly Alvarez
Jacqui Edwards
Christopher Simon